Education & Clinical Resources

We have put together a library of resources for healthcare professionals and people living with CRPS. Some of the resources have been created in association with us or our members, whilst others are useful information that we have gathered from other pain-related organisations.​ Simply click on the title of each individual item to find out more. The links will direct you to the relevant videos, websites or downloadable versions. Additional resources will be added over time, so do check back for updates.

Useful Links
UK based organisations
Bath Institute for Rheumatic Diseases (BIRD) - supports arthritis research, education and patient engagement. Hosts a range of rheumatology related events and meetings.
Burning Nights CRPS Support - patient led registered charity since 2016, providing advice and help to people with CRPS.
CRPS UK - patient led registered charity since 2016, offering advice and support to people living with CRPS.
Live Well with Pain - created by a small group of healthcare professionals in England. Their website includes skills and information for people living with pain, plus resources for practitioners supporting pain self-management.
NIHR Be Part of Research - website run by the National Institute of Health and Care Research. Find out what research is taking place in your area and how you can get involved.
NIHR Evidence - website run by the National Institute of Health and Care Research. Explore plain language summaries of important research findings.
NHS - health information about CRPS. Provides an overview of symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment.
Pain Concern - founded in 1995 and registered as a charity in Scotland. Offers support to people anywhere in the UK with pain, professionals and anyone who cares for someone in pain.
Pain UK - an alliance of charities and an umbrella organisation, founded in 2011. They provide a voice for people living with pain.
Patient UK (for health professionals) - reference article written by UK doctors and based on research evidence, UK and European guidelines.
Patient UK (for patients) - health information written for the general public and people with CRPS. Authored and peer reviewed by the Patient UK team of doctors.
The British Pain Society (BPS) - registered as a charity since 1979, as a alliance of professionals advancing the understanding and management of pain for the benefit of patients. Funding and educational opportunities are available. The British Journal of Pain is the official journal of the BPS.
The Pain Relief Foundation (PRF) - established as a registered charity in1979, the PRF promote research by maintaining and supporting the Pain Research Institute in Liverpool. Research grants and training courses are offered.
Versus Arthritis - the UK’s largest charity dedicated to supporting people with arthritis. They also offer information and support about other rheumatology conditions, including CRPS. Fellowships and grants are available for researchers.
International organisations
European Pain Federation (EFIC) - non-profit organisation representing healthcare professionals in the fields of pain management and pain science. Founded in 1993, they organise pain schools, pain education summits and the bi-annual EFIC Congress. Research fellowships and grant funding opportunities are offered.
International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) - non-profit organisation, founded in 1974. They offer many opportunities including the bi-annual World Congress on Pain, grants, awards and fellowship opportunities. PAIN - the official journal of IASP - features original research on the nature, mechanisms and treatment of pain.
IASP Special Interest Group for CRPS - aims to provide a forum for open communication and highlight new research developments, whilst promoting person-centred interdisciplinary research and care.
International Research Consortium for CRPS (IRC) - non-profit organisation, founded in 2015 and a project of the RSDSA. They are aiming to find more effective methods for diagnosing and treating CRPS.
National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) - non-profit organisation, which began in 1983. They host a comprehensive rare diseases database, offer grant opportunities and support.
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Association (RSDSA) - non-profit organisation, founded in 1984, providing support and education. Research funding and grants are available.
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